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I feel like If I put a can of WD40 outside the lucky couple's door they would stop testing the limits of the bed springs.
Maybe If I banged the ceiling with my broom they would stop re-enacting an episode of this old house.
And if I really wanted to hear gunfire and yelling at all hours of the day I would probably just go and enlist tomorrow.
I swear there's something running around in the walls, must be the world's flattest rat… Rattus Flattius… sounds like a good name to me.
Though, when all is said and done, I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else. All I have to do is wrap myself up like a burrito and put a pillow over my head.


You can be blind, eyes screwed tight.
Though amid the chaos, you find the will to carry on.
Without you, I’m sure I would have been dead a million times over.
The piercing glares are accompanied by savage punches.
Yet I still find you to be endearing and comforting.
The bestial form you make us take.
You really DO relish in it, don’t you?
The first time I saw true, unbridled rage in a man’s eyes,
It frightened me to my very core.
My heart stopping as we locked eyes,
a feeling of unfulfilled desires, emptiness, welling inside me.
Then I experienced rage myself, the feeling of emptiness disappearing.
Adrenaline pumping through my veins as my mind flooded with anger.
Some call it a curse of humanity, I call it a gift.
One that allows us access to an untapped power.
Rage burns deep within in your soul.
Carving trenches of hate and building mountains of want.
Want for a single desire, want for the end.
When you fade the body feels weak, unaccustomed to the feeling.
There are some, however, that live in the rage, almost become it.
They are lost, chasing an unsated thirst for a resolution long past.
Yes, rage can be blind, but that does not mean it is soulless.

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